Editorial Statute

Aims and Identity
Historical Life Course Studies (HLCS) aims to publish methods and results of studies based on data from historical databases. The organization of the journal will serve the community of scientists (historical demographers, sociologists, historians, economists, etc.) working with large historical databases (from here the ‘Community’) and will report to the Community on a yearly basis.

The organization of Historical Life Course Studies consist of an editorial board, a scientific board, an editor-in-chief (from here  the ‘editor’) and one or more associate editors. Both editor and associate editors are full members of the editorial board.

The editorial function of the journal is organized through the Scientific Research Network Historical Demography (FWO Flanders) which is based at KU Leuven. The journal is hosted by the EHPS-Net website which is based at the International Institute of Social History (IISH).

Composition Editorial Board
The editorial board is responsible for the content and the economic basis of the journal. The board consists of, at minimum, seven members and is chosen from the Community. The actual number of members is to be decided by the board. Vacancies on the board are to be filled by way of nomination from the Community. Term of the board is five years and is renewable. The board will elect its own members after a consultation of the Community.

Meetings Editorial Board
The Editorial Board meets at least once a year. The meeting will be prepared by the editor. Members will be invited at least four weeks beforehand. Meetings will preferably be held in combination with EHPS-Net meetings or meetings of large conferences. The agenda will be sent out at least one week before the meeting. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the minutes of the meeting.

Decision Process Editorial Board
All decisions, including the membership of the board, the position of editor and associate editors and the editorial statute, will be taken by the editorial board by a simple majority of votes. In case of an equal division of votes, the editor will make a decision. It is allowed to discuss and decide on all matters in between board meetings (e.g. by way of email) on the condition that all board members agree with this procedure.

Scientific Advisory Board
Members of the scientific advisory board are nominated and appointed by the editorial board and are selected from the Community. Term of the scientific advisory board is five years and is renewable.  Members of the scientific advisory board will do peer review and have a right of advice with or without being asked for consultation by the editorial board.

Koen Matthijs, Editor of Historical Life Course Studies
Paul Puschmann, Associate Editor of Historical Life Course Studies
Kees Mandemakers, Chairman European Historical Population Samples Network

Amsterdam/Leuven, 17 April 2013